World languages

AMÉNAGEMENT URBAIN À LYON : BIODIVERSITÉ ET MOBILITÉ (partage de la planète/ lepatrimoine)
Listening, speaking/writing exercise on the topic of city development. The video focuses on the development of Lyon. Great for the IB (sharing of the planet/human ingenuity) or A-level (le patrimoine)

Le futur proche (near future)
Rule, translation and speaking activities to get students practice the near future. Great for introduction, revision or consolidation!

14ème arrondissement - film Paris Je T'aime - compréhension
Comprehension exercise on the short film included in Paris je t’aime.

Se présenter (nom, âge, anniversaire) - cryptogramme
Cryptogram with activities that lasts a lesson. Great for numeracy and literacy skills. The message is a basic presentations including name, age, birthday and questioning. Students love it! Great to keep them focused, especially after break time or in the last period of the day! The document includes the answer so you don't have to work it out :)

Activities and weather - writing from emojis
Great activities to get students writing and creative with emojis! Revising the topic of weather and leisure.

Les prépositions en A-level
Activity to sort out essential verbs with à or de prepositions and giving some of the main rules. Verbs can be printed and sorted out manually as a starter.

Essai “La Haine est sans doute un film pessimiste et anti-autoritaire”
Exemple d’essai sur le film La Haine de Matthieu Kasovitz: “La Haine est sans doute un film pessimiste et anti-autoritaire”. Dans quelle mesure êtes-vous d’accord avec ce jugement?
Exercices de notations.

Essai La Haine « Jusqu’ici tout va bien. Ce qui compte, c’est pas la chute, c’est l'atterrissage »
Essai et exercices de notation/critique sur le film La Haine de Matthieu Kassovitz « Jusqu’ici tout va bien. Ce qui compte, c’est pas la chute, c’est l’atterrissage » Dans quelle mesure pensez-vous que cette phrase illustre les événements dans La Haine?

IB DP French B - identité (santé et bien-être)
2 articles on French people & happiness, with exam-style exercises and prompts for speaking/writing productions - answer key on the last page.

IB French B - Identité - les stéréotypes "Emily in Paris et les clichés"
Exam-style reading for SL and/or HL students about Emily in Paris and stereotypes in the media, and their impact. It comes with a Presentation with speaking exam questions to prompt conversations. Answers are provided.

International Francophonie Day - French words in English
Tutor time or lesson presentation to celebrate International Francophonie Day (20 March) The lesson is about the presence of French words in English (and even Spanish), looking at the history and many examples of words.

Le futur proche - le week-end prochain - cryptogramme
Cryptogram with activities that last a lesson. Great for numeracy and literacy skills. The message is a text with verbs in the near future, opinion, reason, connectives.. Students love it! Great to keep them focused, especially after break time or in the last period of the day! Translation and writing tasks included. The document includes the answer so you don't have to work it out :)

Le langage SMS (Langue et Identité, la cybersociété)
Whole lesson on young people’s “langage SMS” with reading comprehension, writing production, listening comprehension (from aTV news report) and speaking tasks. This can be the base for further debate in the IB Language B theme of identity (Langue et Identité) and A-level in la cybersociété.

Use of direct and indirect pronouns in speaking (pronoms COD/COI)
Worksheet to push students' speaking with direct and indirect pronouns (pronoms COD/COI)

Si clause test - le bénévolat (A-level)
Test / worksheet on si clause with the theme of volunteering (Year 12 a-level) Gap fill and translation.

Les ados, le droit de vote et l'engagement politique - assessment
Assessment with translations, open writing and questions on the political life in France. Great for an end of unit test.

Au magasin - phrases pour acheter
Exercises to push speaking. Context: at the commercial centre. Lots of useful vocab and 3 speaking situations to practise in class.

Dictionary skills
Activities to use an online dictionary (can easily be adapted for actual dictionaries too) It is worth a whole lesson.